AEF for organisations.

Learn how to implement a successful diversity strategy from our wealth of experience.
Research conducted by leading Engineering bodies show that people of black and minority ethnic origin (BME) are underrepresented in technical apprenticeships/courses and in the engineering profession (9%). Our advisory and consultancy services include sharing our ideas and communicating examples of best practice in engineering education and recruitment, retention and progression of diverse talent.

Discover our services

Corporate Organisations

Whether you are a SME or global organisation with a local reach, we provide businesses with a wide range of diversity strategy solutions. We will tailor our services to suit your requirements. Through our hands on approach, we will help your business meet your targets by providing mentoring, training and support.


We support schools, colleges and universities to enable their students to be prepared for a smooth transition to the engineering industry. We offer one to one sessions, group coaching sessions, targeted talks and workshops.

Our Approach

  • We try to understand your needs carefully by mapping out what your current situation and future aspirations are.
  • We develop a joint working agreement to ensure we can track and measure progress.
  • We assign a dedicated Account Manager so that you can continue the dialog and raise any concerns you have.
  • We identify small changes you can make to achieve tangible results and work with you to implement the agreed solutions.

We offer a number of educational and informative sessions including:

Introduction to Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (Duration: 1 hr)

Purpose is tailored for companies at the start of diversity journey. Covers the following:

  • hat diversity is and what it is not.
  • Three key aspects: Talent attraction, (e.g., STEM outreach), Talent retention (employability and having inclusive work environment) and Career progression (ensuring that diversity is reflected at all levels within the organisation)

The Ethics of Ethnic Diversity (Duration: 1.5hrs)

In the Ethics of Ethnic Diversity session, we describe the Diversity and Inclusion landscape and define the place of race and ethnicity within that landscape. The nature of racism is also described through the lens of history. The session provides a summary of disparities within the engineering sector and tips for becoming an ally of Ethnic Diversity. It also outlines steps that organisations can take to become more equitable.

Equity of Ethnic Diversity (Duration: 1.5hrs)

The killing of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests brought into sharp focus the extent of racial disparity across all walks of society, and introduced less familiar concepts such as , allyship, anti-racism, and intersectionality. People have been learning about the realities and lived experience of many, and as they do, they are experiencing feelings of empathy. In this session we build on the ideas introduced in the Ethics of Ethnic Diversity Part 1 and draw from some successful working practices to discuss ways in which our companies can become more racially equitable.

Cultural competence and creating an inclusive workforce (Duration: 2hrs)

This session follows on from the Ethics of Ethnic Diversity. It outlines steps that companies can take in order to build a truly inclusive workplace. The themes captured include building a qualitative and quantitative baseline of the workforce; creating of safe spaces in which staff can air their concerns; further education about micro-aggression and micro-incivilities; creation a framework for equitable progression and diversifying the supply chain by embedding social value into contracts and inclusive leadership.

Understanding Barriers to Recruitment and Retention for Diverse Groups: (Duration: 1hr)

Various studies have been conducted to understand the barriers of underrepresented groups. In this talk, we will identify and review the causes for the barriers and associated consequences using known engineering techniques which assess events from cause to event and event to consequence.We will identify these barriers to allow for a structured approach to seeing where representation problems exist. The aim of the talk is to:

  • Identify the main challenges facing ethnic inclusion in the engineering sector.(What)
  • Understanding of the barriers for underrepresented groups (Why)
  • How these barriers affect our workplaces

This talk includes case study exercises, which we typically deliver in a workshop style to engage them in a discussion on these barriers.

Allyship Workshop: From Apathy to Advocacy (Duration: 1.5hrs)

In this session, participants will learn the importance of allyship, the difference between a diversity champion and a diversity ally. They will learn about the allyship continuum. This workshop will include a number of case studies and role plays in which participants, given various scenarios are asked to discuss. The session will end with the development of allyship toolkit and a discussion of the global implication of allyship.

Why Intersectionality Matters (1hr)

A study conducted by McKinsey and Co. highlights the persistent challenge of achieving workplace equity despite notable advancements. Acknowledging intersectional communities, particularly Black, Bangladeshi, and Pakistani women, is crucial as it holds the potential for substantial benefits. Intersectionality serves as a framework for comprehending the distinctive amalgamations of discrimination and privilege that can arise from individuals’ and groups’ identities, encompassing gender, ethnicity, social status, and religious affiliation.

This session aims to delve into the genesis of intersectionality and its relevance in a landscape where technology and automation are assuming growing significance in both industry and society. Participants will also gain insights into cultivating an intersectional approach to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) attraction, career advancement, and inclusive design.


Organisations who have benefited from our services include:

University of Hertfordshire, Royal Academy of Engineering, MITIE, BITC, Royal Academy of Engineering’s African Catalyst Project Statistical data for women in science and engineering amongst others.

To access our research and consultancy packages contact us

We thank all our sponsors, partners and friends for their previous and on-going support which has enabled us to continue our work.

With your support, we are able to enhance our programmes to support BME engineers, support our student members with internships and placements including mentoring and a continuous presence post graduation and increase young people’s awareness in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) through outreach programmes.


How to support us

Whether you are an individual, organisation or a corporate body, you can contribute to the work we do in a number of ways:

The Association for Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers (AFBE) can play an important role in assisting organisations to develop and implement a robust strategy for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). Here’s how:

1. Expert Guidance and Best Practices:

AFBE, with its deep understanding and experience in promoting diversity in engineering, can provide expert guidance on crafting policies and strategies that promote an inclusive culture. We can share best practices and case studies from other organisations that have successfully implemented EDI strategies.

2. Training and Awareness Programs:


AFBE can help in organising training sessions and workshops for employees at all levels. These programmes can cover various aspects of diversity and inclusion, unconscious bias training, cultural competency, and more. Such training is crucial for fostering an environment where everyone feels respected and valued.


3. Diverse Talent Acquisition and Retention:

AFBE can assist organisations in diversifying their talent pool. This includes strategies for inclusive hiring practices, outreach to diverse communities, and partnerships with educational institutions to attract a wide range of candidates. Furthermore, we can offer guidance on retaining diverse talent through mentorship programs, career development opportunities, and creating networks for underrepresented groups.

4. Creating Inclusive Policies and Practices:

AFBE can aid in the review and development of organisational policies to ensure they are inclusive. This includes flexible working arrangements, and policies that support ethnic equality and the socio-economic inclusion of all employees.

5. Measurement and Accountability:

Establishing metrics and accountability is key to any successful EDI strategy. AFBE can help in setting up systems to measure the effectiveness of diversity initiatives, track progress, and make necessary adjustments. We can also advise on setting up diversity councils or committees within your organisation to monitor these initiatives.

6. Community Engagement and Partnerships:

AFBE’s experience in community engagement can be invaluable in building partnerships that enhance the organisation’s diversity and inclusion efforts. This could involve collaborating with community groups, participating in diversity-focused events, or supporting initiatives that address socio-economic disparities.


7. Creating a Culture of Belonging:


Beyond policies and programs, creating a culture where everyone feels they belong and can participate fully is vital. AFBE can provide insights on fostering an inclusive organisational culture where differences are celebrated, and everyone feels empowered to contribute their best.

In summary, AFBE’s expertise and experience can be instrumental in helping organisations develop a comprehensive EDI strategy that not only ensures equity and representation of all individuals but also fosters a sense of belonging and participation across all levels of the organisation.


Our mentoring programme is key to AFBE-UK objectives to support students, recent graduates and professionals in their career development. The aim is to raise aspiration, build confidence and increase the representation of BME groups at all levels such as management and leadership in engineering.

We work by providing positive role models for school pupils to university students and professionals. With positive communication and encouragement, we guide young people to embrace engineering and technology as their profession of choice.

Traditional Mentoring: Also known as Forward Mentoring, this establishes one-to-one relationships tailored to each mentee’s needs.

Group and flash Mentoring:A collaborative and supportive learning approach where a mentor guides and empowers a group of mentees to achieve their academic and personal goals.

Reverse Mentoring: A relationship in which a more experienced individual is mentored by a less experienced person with the aim of bridging the gap between different levels of experience and areas of expertise within an organization. Reverse Mentoring fosters inclusive leadership by enhancing leaders’ understanding of underrepresented employees’ experiences, promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion.

  • Mentoring programme. Sign up as mentor or mentee in our Forward mentoring programme.
  • Support our collaborative programmes.
  • Set up a tailored mentoring programme with AFBE-UK

Contact us now to sign up or find out more.